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Drinks & Dreidels
A Chanukah Soiree
A Chanuka Soirèe like this city has never seen. Celebrate the final night with 300+ members of your tribe.
In the face of darkness - we go heavy on the LIGHT.
Menorah Lighting - Open Bar & Signature Cocktails - Chanukah Hors d'oeuvres - 20's & 30's Exclusive
Thursday, December 14th, 7:00 PM
North York Venue TBA to ticketed guests.
Heavy Security On-Site.
Limited Spots Available
Host Committee
Max Brannen, Sami Cooper, Illanit Kammenetsky, Karin Katzoti, Liat Korenberg, Lindsay Stockhamer - Pollock, Adam Tankus, Rabbi Sruli & Chomi Steiner.
Advance Tix Go Live Here On Tuesday, November 14th At 12PM
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