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New Moon Women's Circle

It's Uptown CYP’s newest event series: The New Moon Women’s Circle!

If you are looking for monthly events with like-minded Jewish women looking to make new connections and elevate their Jewish learning - we have exactly what you need. 

Elul/September: Pre Rosh Hashana Challa Bake

Wednesday, September 4th, 7:00

Learn to make Challah from scratch and participate in female-focused Jewish learning before the High Holidays season with like-minded women. 


NMWC events are exclusively for young ladies in their 20s &30s. ​

Limited Spots Available

New Moon Woman's Circle is generously made possible by members of our Chai Club. Sponsorship opportunities are available. 

NMWC committee: 

Sami Cooper, Tali Kouchnir, Sophie Sklar, Eden Render, Kelli Sokolof, Esther Vlessing, Hannah Wohl, Shenhab Zaig.

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