Torah & Tequila
Winter-Spring Season
Torah Tequila with cozy warm vibes! Join the crew. Feed body & soul at these social learning experiences!
Scroll Smart: Navigating Healthy Social Media Use
Many of us face challenges in managing a balanced and healthy relationship with social media. This course will dive into this issue and explore practical strategies for cultivating a mindful social media presence based on Torah values. With all the Torah Tequila treats and trimmings!
- 5 Evenings At 7:00 PM:
February 11th, 25th
March 11th, 25th
April 8th
- A light dinner will be served at each lesson.
- Yonge/Sheppard location to be given to registered guests only.
Torah Tequila fills up quickly and there is often a waitlist. If you cannot make it to a lesson you've registered for, kindly let us know asap to allow in others waiting for the spot.
Torah & Tequila is made possible by the generosity of our donors & Chai Club Members.